Thursday, December 20, 2007


... is sooo sweet. Except that in this movie it doesn't work out that way. I watched this at the behest of Cap'n Tad, and I am forced to agree with him that it is an excellent and underrated movie. It starts out Top Gun fashion, so there goes your breath, if you're so inclined, which I am. Show me a tomcat and I turn to jelly. Then it gets kind of uncomfortable, then it gets really hot, then violent and then it turns into a Tarantino-esque road movie -- I thought this last part is the best done, and the one that Costner's lanky ease fit best. It's filmed on location in Mexico, and, though I can't distinguish Mexico from SoCal, I can tell they actually get weather down there, which makes the cinematography spectacular. Why is it called "Revenge", though?

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