Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Athenian Murders

This book by José Carlos Somozo is simply the best I have read in a very long time.

To say too much about the book would be to destroy it completely but you can argue endlessly whether this is a cracklin' mystery story, or a book on philosophical ideas or `ideas', or a meta-fictional philosophical mystery or ...

Incidentally, the original Spanish title La caverna de las ideas (The Cave of Ideas) is far better than the English version in as much as it echoes Plato's cave metaphor.

And it is far far superior to Eco's The Name of the Rose to which it is (very) superficially related. (It is clearly more influenced by Nabokov's Pale Fire than anything else.)

Can we create a "super-impressed" category? This one belongs there.

1 comment:

Terroar said...

I'll try to pick this up in Greek translation while stuck in the homeland. Greeks have a penchant for translating anything referencing ancient Greece the instant after it's published in its native tongue.